【招聘信息】 英属哥伦比亚大学温哥华校区招聘药物开发博士后


不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,又译“英属哥伦比亚大学”等),简称UBC,位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,是一所公立大学。该校前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia),于1915年获批独立。温哥华校区,位于加拿大第三大城市温哥华的市郊,距离温哥华只有30分钟的车程,校区占地达400公顷。这里有怡人的气候,绵延的海岸线,美丽的海洋与沙滩,是游览观光者必到之处。此外,温哥华校区还有该市最吸引人的许多学术及休闲娱乐设施,包括人类学博物馆、表演艺术中心、著名的UBC植物园及植物研究中心等。温哥华校区是UBC最大的校区,学生人数超过45,000名。不列颠哥伦比亚大学2024QS排名34。


正在寻找一位经验丰富、积极进取的博士后研究员,他在转化研究方面具有很强的领导能力和全面的实践专业知识,在缺血和再灌注损伤方面具有专业知识,对药物再利用和创业感兴趣。成功的申请人将在David Granville博士的监督下全职工作,任期两年,并有可能延长。职位开始日期是灵活的。


将临床批准的药物重新用于替代适应症是加速新疗法开发和批准的行之有效的策略。通过传统和先进的“组学”方法,我们最近确定了一种非专利药物,并在多种缺血和再灌注损伤模型(例如心脏(MI/移植)、脊髓灌注损伤、皮肤(压力性损伤和热损伤))中证明了疗效。在心脏、脊髓和皮肤损伤模型中,临床批准的药物可防止超氧化物的产生,增加一氧化氮生物利用度,改善组织灌注,减少炎症并加速愈合。我们的研究计划涵盖基础分子生物学、生物化学和蛋白质组学,包括靶点验证、动物和人类模型的概念验证,以及与临床医生和行业的合作。博士后研究员 (PDF) 将负责构思、设计和实施临床前研究,以推进该药物的开发和新配方,并在知识产权和商业化方面发挥关键作用。该职位将提供一个独特的机会,加入 CIHR 资助的转化学术研究实验室,领导临床前研究,获得创业培训,并与 UBC 和国外的行业和领先学术合作者合作。

We are seeking an experienced, highly-motivated Postdoctoral Fellow with strong leadership ability and well-rounded, hands-on expertise in translational research with expertise in ischemia and reperfusion injury with interests in drug repurposing and entrepreneurship. The successful applicant will work full-time under the supervision of Dr. David Granville for a two-year term with the possibility of extension. The position start date is flexible.


Repurposing clinically-approved drugs for alternate indications is a proven strategy to accelerate the development and approval of new treatments. Through conventional and advanced ‘omics approaches, we have recently identified an off-patent drug and demonstrated efficacy in multiple models of ischemia and reperfusion injury (eg. cardiac (MI/transplant), spinal cord perfusion injury, skin (pressure injury and thermal injury). Administration of the clinically-approved drug prevented superoxide generation, increased nitic oxide bioavailability, improved tissue perfusion, reduced inflammation and accelerated healing in models of cardiac, spinal cord and skin injury. Our research program spans basic molecular biology, biochemistry, and proteomics through to target validation, proof-of-concept in animal and human models, and collaborations with clinicians and industry. The Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) will be responsible for conceiving, designing, and implementing pre-clinical studies to advance the development and novel formulations of this drug as well as a key role in intellectual property and commercialization. The position will provide a unique opportunity to join a CIHR-funded translational academic research lab, lead pre-clinical studies, gain entrepreneurial training, and collaborate with industry and leading academic collaborators at UBC and abroad.





-如果成功,在领导建立新的 UBC 衍生公司方面发挥关键作用,该公司与通过 UBC 和潜在的 SFU 提供的计划合作。








-在知名期刊上发表至少 2-3 篇第一作者论文的良好记录







 -Provide leadership and strategic direction pertaining to the working with collaborators to assess novel formulations for topical and systemic applications.

 -Design and implement research plans, including in vitro and in vivo models.

 -If successful, play a key role in leading the establishment of a new UBC spin-off company working with programs offered through UBC and potentially SFU.

 -Foster research collaborations and work jointly with academic, clinical, industry, and other partners.

 -Scientifically document lab experiments, data analysis, interpretations.

 -Write manuscripts, present results at internal and external meetings.

 -Identify funding opportunities as well as write grant proposals with supervisor as a co-applicant.

 -Lead and mentor junior trainees in the laboratory.


 -PhD with expertise in cell biology, molecular biology, pharmacology, or related disciplines.

 -A proven track record with a minimum of 2-3 first author publications in reputable journals.

 -Expertise in molecular biology is essential while previous experience in drug development, animal models of disease, entrepreneurship is an asset.

 -Demonstrated experience in experimental design, analyses and scientific writing.

 -Previous experience in manuscript/proposal writing is an asset.

 -Excellent written and oral communication skills.

 -Exceptional interpersonal and organizational skills.


如果您对这个职位感兴趣,请将求职信和简历以 1 个 PDF 文件的形式发送至邮箱info@zhengzicn.com,该职位将保持开放状态,直到填补为止。

If you are interested in this position, please submit a cover letter and CV in 1 PDF file to email. The position will remain open until filled. 
