

不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,又译“英属哥伦比亚大学”等),简称UBC,位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,是一所公立大学。该校前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia),于1915年获批独立。温哥华校区,位于加拿大第三大城市温哥华的市郊,距离温哥华只有30分钟的车程,校区占地达400公顷。这里有怡人的气候,绵延的海岸线,美丽的海洋与沙滩,是游览观光者必到之处。此外,温哥华校区还有该市最吸引人的许多学术及休闲娱乐设施,包括人类学博物馆、表演艺术中心、著名的UBC植物园及植物研究中心等。温哥华校区是UBC最大的校区,学生人数超过45,000名。不列颠哥伦比亚大学2024QS排名34。



该职位位于医疗机构内,因此,成功的候选人将被要求根据省级卫生任务的要求,提供在开始日期之前提供的针对 Covid-19 的完全疫苗接种的验证。


温哥华前列腺中心(VPC)位于温哥华,是癌症研究和患者护理领域改变生活的突破的领导者。VPC 拥有一个大型的多学科研究项目,从事基础、临床和转化研究。它是国家卓越中心和指定的商业化和研究卓越中心。它隶属于不列颠哥伦比亚大学和温哥华沿海卫生局。



Lucia Nappi 博士和 Martin Gleave 博士领导了 GUNS 研究,这是一项基因组驱动的新辅助临床试验,目前正在招募局限性前列腺癌患者,在前列腺活检基因组测序的基础上接受靶向药物和雄激素剥夺治疗。治疗前后的组织和血液样本将用于基因组学、转录组学和表观基因组学,以确定治疗反应或对标准和实验药物耐药性的分子驱动因素。

温哥华前列腺中心正在寻找一位才华横溢的计算生物学博士后研究员,他将与Gleave博士和Nappi博士合作。成功的候选人将致力于分析前列腺癌基因组测序、RNA 测序、DNA 甲基化分析和 ChIPseq 数据生成的数据集,以帮助推进前列腺癌精准癌症医学的努力。



The Vancouver Prostate Centre (VPC) has an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Fellow interested in pursuing a role in bioinformatics.

This position is located within a health-care facility, therefore, the successful candidate will be required to provide verification of full vaccination against Covid-19 provided prior to the start date, as required by a provincial health mandate.

The Vancouver Prostate Centre

Located in Vancouver, the Vancouver Prostate Centre (VPC) is a leader in life changing breakthroughs in cancer research and patient care. VPC has a large, multi-disciplinary research program that undertakes basic, clinic, and translational research. It is a National Centre of Excellence and a designated Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research. It is affiliated with the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.

At VPC, we provide robust mentorship for those on an academic track to pursue higher education. We also have numerous collaborations with pharmaceutical companies which provides invaluable networking opportunities and the opportunity to gain transferable skillsets for industry positions.

Position Summary

Dr. Lucia Nappi and Dr. Martin Gleave lead the GUNS study, a genomic-driven neoadjuvant clinical trial that is currently enrolling patients with localized prostate cancer to receive targeted agents and androgen deprivation therapy on the basis of genomic sequencing of the prostate biopsy. The pre and post-treatment tissue and blood samples will be used for genomics, transcriptomics and epigenomics to identify the molecular drivers of treatment response or resistance to standard and experimental drugs.

The Vancouver Prostate Centre seeks a talented postdoctoral fellow in Computational Biology who will work with Drs. Gleave and Nappi. The successful candidate will work on the analysis of datasets generated from prostate cancer genome sequencing, RNA-sequencing, DNA methylation profiling and ChIPseq data, in order to help advance efforts for precision cancer medicine in prostate cancer.

The qualified candidate will develop and implement integrative computational approaches to analyze sequencing data of patients to understand and co-target acquired mechanisms of therapy resistance in prostate cancer. The candidate will work closely with laboratory, computational and clinical scientists across the Vancouver Prostate Centre and more broadly the University of British Columbia.

The data deriving from the GUNS study and other clinical and pre-clinical studies will help identify novel approaches for personalized care in prostate cancer treatment.  In addition, this data may provide support for the development of new biomarkers and new insights into tumor biology. The successful candidate for the position will heavily contribute to these computational biology efforts.



-对来自患者样本的基因组测序、RNA 测序、DNA 甲基化分析和 ChIPseq 数据进行综合数据分析,以确定晚期前列腺癌的新治疗范式。

-具体来说,将从参加临床试验或研究生物库的患者的肿瘤组织和血液中提取的 DNA 和 RNA 进行分析,以确定治疗反应或耐药性的潜在生物标志物,并发现新的治疗靶点。




- 生物信息学、计算生物学、生物统计学、计算机科学和/或生命科学博士学位(或同等学历)。

- 在统计学和生物学方面有很强的背景。

- 具有管理和分析所需大型数据集的可证明经验。

- 需要出色的口头和书面沟通技巧以及进行自我指导和指导研究的能力。

- 必须表现出出色的个人主动性和作为团队一员有效工作的能力。

- 能够在快节奏和多学科环境中有效工作和多任务处理。

- 能够在 VPC 社区内寻求指导。

- 有 R 和/或 Python 经验者优先,愿意随着领域的发展学习新的语言和工具。

- 该职位可能涉及监督本科生和临床数据管理专家以实现研究目标。

Typical Responsibilities

 -Integrative data analyses of genome sequencing, RNA-sequencing, DNA methylation profiling and ChIPseq data from patients samples to define new treatment paradigms for advanced prostate cancer.

 -Specifically, DNA and RNA extracted from both tumor tissue and blood of patients enrolled in clinical trials or research biobank will be analyzed to identify potential biomarkers of therapy response or resistance and for new therapeutic targets discovery.

 -Moreover, DNA and RNA from patients-derived xenografts and in vitro prostate cancer models ((e.g. CRISPR-Cas9) will be also available to test new drugs and to confirm molecular pathways involved in treatment response or resistance.

 The Postdoctoral Fellow is accountable for the quality and integrity of the research and data, including analyses and interpretation, as well as the effective and efficient management of research projects and deliverables. This position requires innovation, strategic planning, and adaptability. Incorrect decisions or actions may damage the reputation of the laboratory, lead to loss of credibility in this field, and be financially costly.

Minimum Qualifications

 -PhD (or equivalent) in bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics, computer science and/or the life sciences.

 -A strong background in statistics and biology.

Demonstrable experience managing and analyzing large datasets desired.

 -Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability to perform both self-directed and guided research are required.

 -Must demonstrate outstanding personal initiative and the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

 -Ability to work effectively and multi-task in a fast-paced and in a multi-disciplinary environment.

 -Ability to seek out mentorship within the VPC community.

 -Experience in R and/or Python is preferred, with willingness to learn new languages and tools as the field grows.

 -This position may involve supervision of undergraduate students and clinical data management specialists to accomplish research goals.



If you are interested in this position, please submit a cover letter and CV  to email. The position will remain open until filled.
