

不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,又译“英属哥伦比亚大学”等),简称UBC,位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,是一所公立大学。该校前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia),于1915年获批独立。温哥华校区,位于加拿大第三大城市温哥华的市郊,距离温哥华只有30分钟的车程,校区占地达400公顷。这里有怡人的气候,绵延的海岸线,美丽的海洋与沙滩,是游览观光者必到之处。此外,温哥华校区还有该市最吸引人的许多学术及休闲娱乐设施,包括人类学博物馆、表演艺术中心、著名的UBC植物园及植物研究中心等。温哥华校区是UBC最大的校区,学生人数超过45,000名。不列颠哥伦比亚大学2024QS排名34。



该候选人将在Mathieu Bourbonnais博士的指导下工作,并与罗杰斯通信有限公司合作,将帮助领导基于云的预测火灾风险和火灾行为模型的开发,并结合来自新型NB-IoT天气监测系统和遥感图像的实时数据。候选人还将帮助监督和指导项目中的初级团队成员。

The Earth Observation and Spatial Ecology Lab group within the Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus, invites applications for a full time Postdoctoral Fellow for a 2-year position with a possible extension subject to progress of the project and availability of funds. Starting date is January 1, 2024 or as agreed.

The candidate will work under the direction of Dr. Mathieu Bourbonnais, and in collaboration with Rogers Communications Ltd., will help lead the development of cloud-based predictive fire risk and fire behaviour models, incorporating real-time data from a novel NB-IoT weather monitoring system and remote sensing imagery. The candidate will also help supervise and mentor junior team members on the project.





Candidates must have a recent Ph.D. in computer science, fire ecology, remote sensing, engineering, or a related field, with strong analytical skills and have published in these areas. Advanced skills in some of the following areas of expertise are required: machine learning (Python), cloud computing, database development, remote sensing (LiDAR and multispectral imagery), real-time operating systems, and fire behaviour models (e.g., Prometheus, FlamMap). Other requirements include excellent oral and written skills, the ability to work independently on a project with defined deliverables and timelines, and the ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders on a dynamic and diverse research team.

UBC is one of the world’s leading universities. The university has two distinct campuses, one in Vancouver and one in Kelowna. UBC’s Okanagan campus, located in the city of Kelowna, has over 10,000 students in seven faculties with strong graduate programs. Situated in the heart of the Okanagan Valley, one of the most scenic regions in Canada, it offers an intimate learning environment and excellent opportunities for regional, national, and international scholarly activities.

The Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences department at UBC’s Okanagan campus is housed in the vibrant Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science. The Faculty offers both discipline-based and interdisciplinary programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The collegial learning environment in the Faculty focuses on effective teaching, critical and creative scholarship, and the integration of scholarship and teaching. We are committed to an ethos of local involvement, global engagement, and intercultural awareness and we provide a positive, inclusive, and mutually supportive working and learning environment for all our students, faculty, and staff.










Applicants are asked to submit in one continuous document the following:

(1) A letter of motivation, describing your research interests and relevant experience (max.1page)

(2) Curriculum vitae including information on potential career breaks (max.2pages)

(3) List of publications (max.2pages)

(4) Digital copy of PhD certificate or equivalent (this can be in native language)

(5) Names and contact details of two referees who are willing to provide a reference letter by separate request.

Deadline for applications is November 10, 2023.

