

利兹大学(University of Leeds),是一所位于英国利兹的公立综合研究型大学,是世界百强名校、英国红砖大学。

利兹大学是罗素大学集团,世界大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟、RENKEI 、N8大学联盟、白玫瑰大学联盟成员。









使用在大型医院环境中收集的移动数据,了解移动、活动和交互的模式。这项研究将推进轨迹分析的最新发展,借鉴机器学习的方法,开发新的方法来处理不确定性、隐私保护、合成数据的产生以及确保数据的可靠性。postholder将有机会处理各种来源的数据,包括蓝牙传感器和日常收集的活动记录。还将有机会发展流动性与健康相关数据(如感染、病毒学)之间的联系,为确定精确空间和时间上的感染传播模式提供机会。该研究由EPSRC i-sense和数字健康中心项目资助,并将与伦敦大学学院、大学学院医院和谢菲尔德大学的合作伙伴密切合作。


这篇文章将关注城市空间导航的新型预测模型的开发。该项目将结合机器学习和空间认知理论,利用大规模真实世界轨迹数据,从理论上和科学上推导出可靠的运动模型。预计该项目将对流动行为研究做出重大贡献。因此,预计研究人员将熟悉有关移动性和/或导航行为的广泛文献中的概念,并有信心将这些想法转化为计算模型。这项研究由Leverhulme Trust和Alan Turing Institute资助,他们将定期进行互动。

这两个职位都将基于Ed Manley教授的研究小组,位于地理学院和利兹数据分析研究所(LIDA)之间。作为一个活跃的研究小组的成员,在一所主要的研究密集型大学,任职者将有充分的机会发展他们的研究技能,建立跨学科合作,并为世界领先的移动研究做出贡献。

Ed Manley教授,城市分析学教授,研究和创新学院院长。


Are you an ambitious researcher interested in human mobility behaviour? Are interested in pushing forward the state-of-the-art in mobility data science, through large-scale mobility data? Do you want to further your career in one of the UK's leading research-intensive Universities?

We are delighted to be recruiting two new two-year Research Fellows in Mobility Data Science to work on the cutting edge of human mobility analysis. The Research Fellows will use large-scale mobility data, in combination with machine learning and statistical measures, to answer critical questions about the nature of mobility behaviour and its role within wider social and spatial systems.

The Research Fellows we recruit will work closely with each other, and join an active, ambitious, and interdisciplinary research group of other Fellows and PhD students, all working on mobility challenges at different scales and contexts. Our recent research has explored how mobility data and models can derive new insights into health, sustainability, human cognition, inequalities, and economic activity. While there are commonalities in the requirements and approaches required of the two posts, they relate to and will have responsibility for one of two distinct projects.

Post 1 (Indoor Movements and Interactions)

Working with mobility data collected within a large hospital environment, to understand patterns of movement, activity, and interaction. The research will make advances to the state-of-the-art in trajectory analysis, drawing in methods from machine learning, and developing novel approaches to deal with uncertainty, privacy protection, production of synthetic data, and ensuring data reliability. The postholder will have opportunities to work with data from a variety of sources, including Bluetooth sensors and routinely collected activity records. There will also be opportunities to develop linkages between mobility and health-related data (e.g. infections, virology), opening opportunities to identify patterns of infection transmission over precise space and time. The research is funded through the EPSRC i-sense and Digital Health Hub projects, and will involve close collaboration with partners at University College London, University College Hospital, and University of Sheffield.

Post 2 (Urban Navigation)

The post will focus on the development of novel predictive models of urban spatial navigation. The project will make use of large-scale real-world trajectory data in combination with machine learning and the theory of spatial cognition, to derive theoretically and scientifically robust models of movement. The project is expected to make high-impact contributions in mobility behavioural research. As such, it is expected that the Research Fellow will be comfortable with concepts from the broad literature around mobility and/or navigation behaviour, and be confident in translating these ideas into computational models. This research is funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Alan Turing Institute, with whom there will be regular interaction.

Both posts will be based in Professor Ed Manley's research group, located between the School of Geography and Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA). As members of an active research group, based at a major research-intensive University, the post holders will have ample opportunities to develop their research skills, build interdisciplinary collaborations, and contribute world-leading mobility research.

Professor Ed Manley, Professor of Urban Analytics and Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation.

Closing Date: Wednesday 06 December 2023



由Leverhulme信托基金资助的量子混沌中的新秩序范例项目邀请申请人参与。你将作为Zlatko Papic博士研究小组的一员,在物理和天文学院的理论物理小组中工作。




Do you have a background in many-body quantum physics, tensor networks or topological phases of matter? Would you like to further your career in one of the UK’s leading research-intensive universities?

Applications are invited to work on a project New Paradigms of Order Amidst Quantum Chaos funded by Leverhulme Trust. You will work within the Theoretical Physics Group, in the School of Physics and Astronomy, as part of the research team of Dr Zlatko Papic.

The project will involve the development of new theoretical and computational approaches to study dynamics of interacting quantum systems, in the context of condensed matter physics and ultracold atomic systems. Some of the focus areas of the project include classical and quantum simulations of many-body systems (in particular, matrix product states and tensor network methods), quantum ergodicity and its violations (e.g. quantum scars and many-body localisation), as well as topological phases of matter. The job will involve collaborations within the group, e.g., with the group of Prof Pachos, as well as with our international collaborators.

You will have a PhD (or you will have submitted your thesis prior to taking up the appointment) in many-body quantum systems, broadly defined. You will also have experience in modelling, analysis and computational skills and evidence of contributing to papers in internationally recognised, peer-reviewed journals or evidence of publishable research in progress.

Closing Date: Monday 08 January 2024



