【招聘信息】 麦克马斯特大学诚聘工程、计算机类博士


麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)(下称麦马),世界著名学府,加拿大顶尖大学之一,加拿大公立医博类大学。麦马创立于1887年,已有131年历史,坐落在加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市。汉密尔顿环境优美,洁净安全,是安大略湖西端著名的港口城市,同时也是加拿大著名的旅游城市。距离多伦多、尼亚加拉大瀑布及美国边境城市约一小时驾车路程。麦马背倚汉密尔顿市的皇家植物园,广阔的校园中除了水平一流的教学、科研、图书、运动及食宿设施外,还拥有原子反应堆、著名哲学家罗素的档案馆以及藏有著名艺术大师作品的世界级艺术馆。在加拿大一流大学评比中, 连年被誉为最富有创造力与革新精神的学府。这一荣耀来自其雄厚的师资力量中有1994年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,优秀毕业生中有荣获1997年诺贝尔经济学奖的著名学者,以及革新性的教学、具有国际竞争性的奖学金和研究成果。麦克马斯特大学2024QS世界大学排名第189名。



博士学位需要最少的专业课程和深入的研究,从而产生原创的学术工作,对土木工程广泛领域的基础知识和技术创新做出独特贡献。需要相当于硕士学位以外的 4 门半课程,并成功答辩一篇论文。考生必须通过综合考试。在某些情况下,可以与系室安排非全日制博士学习。
















01 Civil Engineering(PhD)

The PhD degree requires minimal specialized courses with intensive research, leading to original scholarly work with a distinct contribution to fundamental knowledge and technological innovation in broad areas of civil engineering. Equivalent of 4 half courses beyond the Master’s degree and successful defence of a thesis is required. Candidates are required to pass a Comprehensive Examination. Under some circumstances, arrangements can be made with the department for part-time PhD study.

Areas of Research

-Bioelectrochemical systems

-Bridge engineering

-Computational mechanics and finite element analysis

-Construction data sensing and fusion

-Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics

-Effective design of structures


-Geotechnical engineering

-Intelligent construction systems

-Intelligent transportation systems

-Material durability and service life modelling

-Sustainable communities

-Wastewater treatment engineering

-Water resources/environmental information systems


工程物理学是关于理解和推进各种先进系统中使用的知识和技术,包括光通信、生物医学和环境应用的传感器、激光和 LED、光伏和核电系统。







02 Engineering Physics(PhD)

Engineering Physics is about understanding and advancing knowledge and technologies used in a wide range of state-of-the-art systems including optical communications, sensors for biomedical and environmental applications, lasers and LEDs, photovoltaics and nuclear power systems.

Areas of Research

-Nano and micro device engineering

-Nuclear engineering and energy systems


-Biomedical engineering

-Smart systems

-View Program Site







03 Computational science and engineering(PhD)

Computational science and computational engineering are rapidly growing multi-disciplinary areas connecting engineering, science, business, mathematics and computer science to create new, powerful tools for real-world discovery and understanding. Advancements in computing power and computational methodology are allowing leading-edge researchers to effectively utilize computational simulation, modelling and optimization to pursue investigations into territories that were previously beyond their reach using theoretical analysis and physical experimentation. The School has been established to address this need through the creation of multidisciplinary research and education programs of international distinction within a unique collaborative environment.

Areas of Research

-computational physical sciences

-computational optimization, design & control

-computational biosciences















04 Electrical and Computer Engineering

In our Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program, in addition to seeking to enable students to enhance their knowledge and skills, we also seek to provide an environment that fosters creativity and research excellence on an international scale in a particular field of electrical and computer engineering, and inspires students to a career of contributions to our communities through leadership of advances in the state-of-the-art in their fields of interest. The minimum number of graduate courses required is four half courses (or equivalent) beyond the Master’s degree, or eight half courses (or equivalent) beyond the Bachelor’s degree. The candidate is also required to prepare a thesis embodying the results of the research taken on by the candidate beyond the Master’s level.

Areas of Research

-Biomedical information technology

-Computer aided design

-Optimization and Simulation


-Computer Engineering

-Image Processing & Multimedia


-Microwaves and Photonics-Optoelectronics


-Signal Processing

-National Microelectronics & Photonics Testing Collaboratory




























05 Computer Science

Graduate students in the PhD program are focused on advancing knowledge in computational theory and practice through intensive research in their chosen area of interest.

Areas of Research

-Human-computer interaction

-Machine learning

-Programming languages

-Software engineering


-Computational geometry

-Performance evaluation


-Data analytics and data centres

-Safety-critical systems and certification

-Model-driven engineering

-Algorithms and complexity

-Formal methods and formal verification

-Mechanized mathematics

-Numerical analysis

-Scientific computing

-Control systems

-Logic and discrete math

-Strings and string algorithms


-Wireless networking

-Mobile computing

-Discrete event systems

-Game design








06 Mechanical Engineering(PhD)

A PhD in Mechanical Engineering extends all of the advantages of a Master’s degree and opens doors to research and development opportunities in industry, government and academia. PhD candidates develop independence, creativity and flexibility; and expand their skills in analysis, critical thinking, creative problem solving, data management, experimental methods and/or analytical models, resourcefulness, responsibility and perseverance. They also develop skills in critical analysis of others’ work, and the ability to present their work to a variety of audiences. All PhD students are supervised by a faculty member from the department. The research areas of the faculty members include: biomechanics; manufacturing; mechanics and design; and thermofluids.

Areas of Research

-Biomechanics: mechanics of biological tissues and muscles; mechanics of the circulatory and respiratory system; experimental and numerical modeling techniques; and movement and skeletal biomechanics.

-Manufacturing: additive manufacturing; casting; computer aided manufacturing; electrical discharge machining; formability; grinding; machining of advanced materials; machining processes and systems; manufacturing automation; manufacturing processes and systems; metal forming; metallic and non-metallic coatings for advanced steels; process modelling and simulation; robotics; and steel research.

-Mechanics and Design: automotive applications; computer aided design; control systems; dynamics and vibrations; finite element analysis; flow induced vibrations and noise; hybrid vehicles including engine testing and fault detection; materials and microstructural engineering; mechatronics; metrology; microelectromechanical devices; product design; robotics; and theoretical mechanics.

-Thermo-fluid Sciences: aeroacoustics; combustion; computational fluid dynamics; flow control; fluid mechanics and turbulence; heat transfer; micro-fluidics and micro-fabrication; modeling in thermo-fluid systems; multi-phase flow; reactor thermal-hydraulics; and thermal processing of materials.
















07 Materials Science and Engineering(PhD)

Materials Science & Engineering is about unravelling the fundamental principles governing the behaviour of materials to enable technologies across a broad range of applications. This includes performance functionalities of all classes of materials across length scale ranging from the macro-scale down to nano-scale.

Areas of Research



-energy and fuel cells

-automotive materials and corrosion

-steel and steelmaking


-electrochemical technology


-electronic materials

-computational modelling

-physical metallurgy




