时间:2023-10-12 14:30:14热度:0次
挪威公立大学阿哥德大学(挪威文为Universitetet i Agder),原名阿哥德学院(Agder University College),是挪威最大的高等教育机构之一。阿哥德学院于1994年由位于Kristiansand, Grimstad and Arendal市的6所学院合并而成。
The Norwegian public University of Agod (Universitetet i Agder in Norwegian), formerly known as Agder University College, is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Norway. Agod College was formed in 1994 by the merger of six colleges located in the municipalities of Kristiansand, Grimstad and Arendal.
A fixed-term 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in machine learning, affiliated to the Department of ICT, for a period of two years. The position is located, at the present, at Campus Grimstad. The starting date is negotiable with the Faculty.
The position is connected to the NRC project “CaReLearner: Causal Reasoning with Logical Interpretable Learning” and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research. The objective of CaReLearner is to enable a paradigm shift from correlation-driven to scaled-up causality-driven machine learning. Building on the Tsetlin machine, the project deals with the unresolved learning challenge in logical engineering, the scaling challenge of probabilistic causal models, and the correlation-reliance of deep learning. The fellow will get the opportunity to develop novel Tsetlin machine-based approaches for learning causal knowledge from multimodal data (images, time series, natural language, tabular data, etc.), expressed in relational logic.
Research topics for the Post-doctoral Research Fellow include, but are not limited to the following:
◆Relational Tsetlin machine for multimodal data (images, time series, natural language, etc.)
◆Causal Tsetlin machines
◆Probabilistic interpretation of Tsetlin machines for causal inference
◆Python, CUDA和/或C/ c++编程
The successful applicant should hold a PhD in a related field (e.g. machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining). To be considered for the position, the applicant must have submitted their PhD thesis by the closing date of the announcement.
Further provisions relating to the positions as Post-doctoral Research Fellows can be found in the Regulations Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Resident.
Furthermore, the applicant must have:
◆Relevant academic credentials
◆Written and spoken English proficiency
◆Communication and teamwork skills
The ideal candidate will have expertise in the following areas:
◆Machine learning
◆Probabilistic reasoning
◆Programming in Python, CUDA, and/or C/C++
If you are interested in applying, please send the following information to the
The following documentation must be uploaded electronically:
◆Certificates with grades
◆List of publications
◆Doctoral thesis
◆Up to 10 academic articles and R&D projects which the candidate wishes to particularly emphasise for the assessment process
◆A description of the applicant’s research interests, the background for the thesis question that the applicant wishes to work on, and its relevance for the advertised position. A brief overview of relevant research pertaining to the design of assignments and relevant issues for research should also be included here
◆Project plan
◆Any other relevant documentation
The applicant is fully responsible for submitting complete digital documentation before the closing date. All documentation must be available in a Scandinavian language or English.
Application deadline: 19.11.23