



The University of Tennessee is one of 24 Tennessee State public universities. The University of Tennessee has a long history and is the second oldest institution of higher learning in the state and the 29th oldest in the United States. The school is ranked among the top 50 public schools in the United States. The University of Tennessee has a strong and perfect laboratory research equipment, in all the new equipment, called the "crown jewel" is the fission neutron source research equipment, used to study the basic structure of the neutron, the development process and its transformation.

The Tickle College of Engineering is undergoing a period of substantial growth in both physical infrastructure and research expenditures as it seeks to become a Top 25-ranked public institution. The college has seven departments with 186 faculty members, 3,393 undergraduates, and 1,155 graduate students. The department currently has 59 faculty members and enrolls some 1,331 undergraduate and 182 graduate students. Research expenditures in the department are currently at $15M per year. 







Multiple graduate research assistant openings are available in the mechanical, aerospace, and biomedical engineering (MABE) department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for the spring semester of 2024. The positions are for Ph.D. in Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering (starting salary range: $26.000). We have close collaboration with the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the Pennylvania State University, and MIT.

Topics include:

(1)High-fidelity MDO (especially CFD with laminar-turbulent transition model, time-spectral/harmonic balance, and aeroelasticity).

(2)Control co-design and digital twin.

Students with mechanical, aerospace, control, engineering physics, and applied math engineering backgrounds are welcome. These positions come with full funding, including stipend, health care, and tuition waiver.


何思澄,美国田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校机械、航空航天和生物医学工程系助理教授。他曾在麻省理工学院航空航天系由Steven Barrett教授(临时系主任)和Raymond Speth博士领导的LAE担任博士后研究员。他获得密歇根大学安娜堡分校MDO实验室博士学位,由Joaquim R. R. a . Martins教授指导。FAA、DOE ARPA-e和AFOSR资助了以前的研究项目。他的研究兴趣是应用多学科设计优化(MDO)来开发更好的设计/开发MDO方法,使其能够应用于以前从未解决过的问题。他之前的研究包括海上风力涡轮机设计优化、飞机颤振抑制、层流-湍流过渡机制气动外形优化、机器学习气动外形优化以及基于凸规划的新型结构优化算法开发。最近,他一直致力于将更复杂的动力系统模型(例如,分岔和LCO)和控制作为MDO中的一门学科(也称为控制协同设计)。

Sicheng He is an assistant professor at the mechanical, aerospace, and biomedical engineering (MABE) department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He was a postdoc researcher at the LAE led by Prof. Steven Barrett (interim department head) and Dr. Raymond Speth, affiliated with the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT.  He obtained a Ph.D. from the MDO lab at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, supervised by Prof. Joaquim R. R. A. Martins. FAA, DOE ARPA-e, and AFOSR sponsored previous research projects. His research interest is applying multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) to develop a better design / developing MDO methods to enable its application to problems never solved before.  His previous research includes off-shore wind turbine design optimization, aircraft flutter suppression, aerodynamic shape optimization with laminar-turbulent transition mechanism, aerodynamic shape optimization using machine learning, and convex programming-based novel structural optimization algorithm development.  Recently, he has been working on methods to include more sophisticated dynamical system models (e.g., bifurcation and LCO) and control as a discipline in MDO (also known as control co-design). 




(2)为以前的项目共享一个报告或GitHub repo也会有所帮助。

To-dos if you are interested:

(1)Send your resume, transcript, and contact info for one previous research advisor to :


(2)Sharing one report or a GitHub repo for a previous project will also be helpful.
