

香港中文大学(港中大)生物医学工程系(BME)成立于 2017 年,是香港首个生物医学工程系。在2022年上海学科排名中,港中大生物医学工程荣获全球第13名(香港第1名)。我们正在招聘博士后研究员和研究助理教授,加入段丽婷教授的跨学科合作团队。研究方向为新工具的开发和应用,利用合成生物学或光遗传学策略(1)回答神经科学、分子生物学或细胞生物学中的基础科学问题(包括细胞骨架和细胞器动态的研究);以及(2)构建新型的基因治疗方法。具体研究课题可以根据申请人的专业知识、兴趣和以往的经验与项目负责人进行定制和讨论。


Professor Duan received her PhD from Stanford University in 2016 and joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in July 2018. In recent years, he is the first and corresponding author in Nature Communications, ACS Synthetic Biology, Cell Chemical biology, and Journal of Molecular He has published many academic papers in international academic journals such as Biology. The team consists of 12 people, including a number of recipients of the Hong Kong Government Doctoral Scholarship and the President's Doctoral Scholarship. The research group has been awarded the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Fellowship for New Scholars, the Joint Research Funding Project of the National Natural Science Foundation and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Outstanding Young Scholars Scheme, the National Key Research Project "Synthetic Biology", the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists, and the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of the Department of Nature Scholarship fund and other funds. 

段丽婷教授2016年于斯坦福大学获得博士学位,2018年7月就职于香港中文大学。近几年以第一及通讯作者在Nature Communications、ACS Synthetic Biology、Cell Chemical biology、Journal of Molecular Biology 等国际学术刊物发表多篇学术论文。团队现有12人,包括多名香港政府博士奖学金获得者和校长博士奖学金获得者。课题组获香港研究资助局新进学者协作研究金、国自然科学基金委员会与香港研究资助局联合科研资助基金合作研究项目、香港研究资助局杰出青年学者计划、国家重点研发“合成生物学”重点专项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金等基金资助。


Applicants should have: 

 (1) a doctoral degree in biological sciences or related fields (priority areas such as neuroscience, molecular biology, cell biology, synthetic biology or bioengineering) and experimental research experience, and applicants for research assistant professorships should, in principle, have at least two years of post-doctoral research experience;

 (2) outstanding research results and the potential to carry out innovative work, able to carry out research work independently;

 (3) Good communication skills and oral and written English skills.

  The successful candidate will have the opportunity to: 

 (a) develop and/or participate in independent/collaborative research projects; 

 (b) Apply independently for research grants; 

 (c) Research assistant professors may choose undergraduate or postgraduate teaching;

 (d) Supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research; 

 (e) Laboratory management.

  We will offer a competitive salary according to the applicant's research ability and level. The contract is for a period of three years, after which it can be renewed based on performance. The contract will start no later than June 2024. Among them, the research assistant Professor will sign a work contract with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is a university staff, enjoy various university benefits (medical insurance, contract expiry gratuity, etc.), the monthly salary of HK $57,000 to HK $73,000, depending on the applicant's academic experience and achievements.











我们将根据申请人的研究能力与水平提供有竞争力的薪资。合同期3年,之后根据表现协商决定是否可续约。合同起始期不晚于2024年6月。其中,研究助理教授获聘者将与香港中文大学签订工作合同, 属于大学职员, 享受大学各种福利(医保、合约期满酬金等),月薪57,000至73,000港币,取决于申请人的学术经验和成就。


Interested applicants are invited to send the following materials to email: 


Application materials:

 (1) A complete curriculum vitae in English

 (2) A list of published articles, reports of research interests in English 

 (3) Copies of degree certificates 

 (4) Names, addresses and email addresses of at least 3 referees.

  There is no deadline for application and the selection of materials will start now. Successful applicants will be notified for an interview.







