

奥斯陆大学(挪威文:Universitetet i Oslo)是挪威王国最高学府,位于首都奥斯陆,由丹麦-挪威联盟时期末代国王弗雷德里克六世于1811年下令建立。为了纪念该位国王,大学最初被命名为皇家弗雷德里克大学(挪威文:Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet),1939年更名为奥斯陆大学。奥斯陆大学目前拥有将近40000名在校学生、5000名教职员工、3000名国际留学生,是挪威规模最大的高等院校。奥斯陆大学目前下辖8个学院、69个系,还坐拥众多的植物园、博物馆、珍藏馆、陈列室、天文台、研究院、实验室、图书馆、附属医院等等机构。



挪威分子医学中心(NCMM),奥斯陆大学医学院,北欧EMBL合伙人Marieke Kuijjer领导的计算生物学和系统医学组提供一个为期3年的博士后职位。该职位是挪威癌症协会Krafttak mot克雷夫特运动最近资助的项目“转移性乳腺癌分层治疗的精确医学”的一部分。理想的开始日期是在2024年冬/春,但我们是灵活的,这可以讨论。









A 3-year postdoctoral position is available in the Computational Biology and Systems Medicine group led by Marieke Kuijjer at the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Nordic EMBL partner . The position is part of the recently funded project "Precision medicine for treatment stratification of metastatic breast cancer" from the Krafttak mot Kreft campaign, Norwegian Cancer Society. The ideal start date is in winter/spring 2024, but we are flexible and this can be discussed.

The group was established in 2018 and focuses on using computational approaches to understand the molecular mechanisms that drive cancer development, progression, and heterogeneity. The group's driving hypothesis is that the complex clinical phenotypes we observe in cancer cannot be adequately defined by individual layers of molecular data. Instead, we must consider the underlying network of interactions between the different biological components that can drive cancer phenotypes. To do so, the group develops computational approaches that place genomic data into the context of large-scale, genome-wide regulatory networks, as well as approaches to analyze such networks for individual cancer patients.

Amongst others, our current projects aim at developing new computational methods and tools for 

(1) modeling enhancer-promoter interactions,

(2) integration of multi-modal single cell data using deep learning, 

(3) fine-tuned analysis of genome-wide regulatory networks, 

(4) integration of patient-specific regulatory networks with multi-omic data, 

(5) modeling networks based on single cell and spatial transcriptomic data. 

The project aims to develop and use large-scale, genome-wide regulatory network modeling and analyses approaches to obtain a detailed resolution of the regulatory disruptions involved in breast cancer metastasis. The selected candidate's role will be to model gene regulatory networks for individual metastatic breast cancer samples and their primary tumors-of-origin, both on bulk and single-cell data, from publicly available resources as well as in-house data generated through the project. The candidate will apply paired network analysis approaches to uncover breast cancer metastasis-specific regulatory programs and potential subtypes in metastatic tumor cells. The candidate will closely work with other researchers in the group to implement newly developed network analysis methods. There will also be an opportunity to develop new approaches for genomic network analysis.













We seek a highly motivated candidate with a track record of computational analysis of high-throughput genomics data. The candidate should be excited about applying computational tools to answer questions in systems medicine, with a focus on breast cancer. The ideal candidate is collaborative and creative, has strong programming skills dedicated to the analysis of large-scale genomics data, and has a strong publication record. Experience with analysis of large-scale genomic data sets is a requirement for this position. Experience with genomic data integration, biological network analysis, and/or gene regulation is desirable, but not required for this position. A background in (breast) cancer research is an advantage. The position is open to applicants with a PhD in computational biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, cancer genomics, network science, or related fields.

The appointment is a fulltime position and is made for a period of three years with possible extension depending on future funding.

Qualification requirements

-PhD degree in computational biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, cancer genomics, network science, or a related field. Applicants with a PhD background in biology or (bio)medicine are welcome to apply but should have documented programming skills.

-Strong publication record (including 1st authorship).

-Proficiency in programming (such as R, Python, MATLAB, Bash).

-Experience with analysis of high-throughput genomics data.

-Knowledge in gene regulation, (breast) cancer, and/or network biology is considered an advantage.

-Experience with high performance computing is desirable.

-Professional proficiency in English.

-Willingness to work in a  team environment, sharing skills and ideas, and collaborating on projects.









The application must include:

(1) A cover letter, stating your motivation, scientific background, and research interests.

(2) A detailed CV with a list of publications.

(3) 2-3 references (name, institution, e-mail, telephone number, and relation to the candidate).

These should be uploaded in pdf format. Please submit your application through the web-based recruitment system linked in the announcement. While the recruitment system includes a basic CV, we ask candidates to also include a separate, detailed CV in .pdf format with their application. Applications without a cover letter and/or detailed CV will be rejected.

In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented, academic qualifications, the project description (whenever this is required in the call for applicants), and the quality of the project as well as the candidates motivation and personal suitability. Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.
It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to complete the project in the course of the period of employment.


