

卑尔根大学(挪威文:Universitetet i Bergen)位于挪威王国第二大城市卑尔根,是挪威人引以自豪的高等学府之一,在1825年建立的卑尔根博物馆的基础上创建于1946年,为世界大学联盟、科英布拉集团、ARQUS联盟、欧洲大学协会成员。卑尔根大学拥有良好的国际声誉,是挪威规模名列第二的综合性大学。






SapienCE关注的是12万至5万年前非洲南部智人群体文化创新的出现。大约30万年前,非洲的人属人群开始获得现代解剖学特征,但没有证据表明当时他们的行为是现代的。目前的考古证据虽然有限,但突出表明120-50 ka是人类认知、技术和社会加速发展的时期。然而,这一关键转变的根本原因仍存在争议。一个经常被提出的机制是需要适应快速变化的环境条件。因此,重建和模拟早期人类种群的环境及其在强烈文化创新时期的行为是SapienCE的一个关键方面。

因此,重建和模拟早期人类种群的环境及其在强烈文化创新时期的行为是SapienCE的一个关键方面。该博士后研究员将对各种档案(包括但不限于考古遗址、洞穴和海洋沉积物岩心的陆地沉积物)应用痕量有机生物标志物技术,以重建南非的环境条件及其随时间的变化。这些结果最终将与早期人类行为的考古证据进行对比。该项目将由协会监督。Eoghan Reeves教授和其他SapienCE科学家(Nele Meckler教授、Margit Simon博士、Jenny Maccali博士)密切合作。我们正在寻找在有机地球化学方面有丰富实践经验的人,特别是在微量生物标志物的GC-MS/色谱应用方面。









Postdoctoral Research Fellow position within organic geochemistry of paleoenvironments.

At the Department of Earth Science there is a vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow position within organic geochemistry of paleoenvironments. The position is for a fixed term of 3 years and is associated with the SapienCE Centre of Excellence on Early Sapiens Behaviour and funded by the University of Bergen. The successful candidate must be able to start in the position no later than April 30th, 2024.

About the project:

SapienCE focuses on the emergence of cultural innovation in Homo sapiens populations of southern Africa between 120,000-50,000 years ago. Homo populations started acquiring modern anatomical traits by ~300 000 years ago in Africa, but there is no evidence indicating that their behavior was modern at the time. Current archaeological evidence, although limited, highlights the 120-50 ka interval as a period of accelerated human cognitive, technological and social development. The fundamental causes of this critical transformation remain, however, debated. One often-proposed mechanism is the need to adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Reconstructing and modelling the environment of the early human populations and their behavior during the times of strong cultural innovations therefore is a critical aspect of SapienCE.

This Postdoctoral research fellow will apply trace organic biomarker techniques to a variety of archives (including, but not limited to, terrestrial deposits from the archeological sites, speleothems, and marine sediment cores) in order to reconstruct environmental conditions in South Africa and their variability over time. The results will be ultimately contrasted with archaeological evidence, for early human behaviour. The project will be supervised by Assoc. Prof. Eoghan Reeves and conducted in close collaboration with other SapienCE scientists (Prof. Nele Meckler, Dr. Margit Simon, Dr. Jenny Maccali). We are looking for someone with strong hands-on experience in organic geochemistry, specifically in GC-MS/chromatography applications of trace biomarkers.

Work tasks: 

-Biomarker sample preparation and analysis.

-Chromatography method development and optimization.

-Participation in lab maintenance, GC-MS trouble-shooting and quality control.

-Compound-specific isotope (C/H) analysis using GC-irms.

-Co-supervision of master students.

-Data interpretation in collaboration with other SapienCE scientists.

Participation in fieldwork is possible but not a required part of this position.











Qualifications and personal qualities:

-Applicants must hold a Norwegian PhD or an equivalent degree within Earth Science, or must have submitted his/her doctoral thesis for assessment prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the PhD has been awarded.

-Demonstrable evidence of hands-on experience with trace organic geochemistry methods (e.g. solvent extraction, applying GC-MS and other chromatography systems for quantification) and/or development of such methods is a requirement.

-Prior experience with environmental reconstruction is an advantage.

-Prior experience with chromatography system maintenance and troubleshooting is an advantage.

-Prior experience with compound-specific isotope (C/H) analysis is an advantage.

-Applicants must be able to work independently and in a structured manner, and have the ability to cooperate with others.

-Applicants must have excellent skills in oral and written English.

Personal and relational qualities will be emphasized. Research experience, ambitions and potential will also count when evaluating the candidates.











Your application must include:

-A brief account of the applicant's research interests and motivation for applying for the position.

-The names and contact information for two referees. One of these should be the main advisor from the PhD programme.


-Transcripts and diplomas. If you have not yet completed your PhD degree, please submit a statement from your institution confirming that the thesis has been submitted.

-Relevant certificates/references

-List of any works of a scientific nature (publication list)

-Publications (as applicable)

The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded at Jobbnorge.

