



Founded in 1942, Carleton University was initiated by the YMCA of Ontario, Canada, and officially became a university in 1957. It is a famous public research university in Canada. Located in Ottawa, Carleton is an innovative teaching and research institution with a tradition of leading change. Internationally recognized academics, staff, and researchers engage more than 31,000 students in over 100 programs of study. 

We are strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the nomination and appointment process. Carleton University is committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. 









第2层主席是为杰出的新兴学者准备的(即候选人必须在提名时在他们的领域中活跃的研究人员少于10年)。获得最高学位超过10年的申请人(如果存在职业休假,如产假、育儿假或延长病假、临床培训等)可能会通过该计划的Tier 2证明程序评估其Tier2主席资格。

Field of Specialization: Artificial Intelligence and/or Cybersecurity

Academic Unit: Computer Science

Category of Appointment: Preliminary (tenure-track)/tenured

Rank/Position Title: Assistant or Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier 2

Closing Date: Consideration of candidates will begin on November 30, 2023.

Carleton University's Faculty of Science is seeking applications for a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) position in the School of Computer Science, focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Cybersecurity. The successful candidate will be appointed as an Assistant or Associate Professor, possibly with tenure, depending on qualifications. The appointee is expected to apply to the CRC program within the first year of their appointment.

The university encourages researchers specializing in AI and/or cybersecurity, encompassing areas such as reinforcement learning, computer and internet security. Emphasis is placed on welcoming diverse perspectives to address complex problems in computer science, particularly encouraging candidates from underrepresented groups in the field and with experience in mentoring such students.

Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging scholars (i.e., candidates must have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of nomination). Applicants who are more than 10 years from having earned their highest degree (and where career breaks exist, such as maternity, parental or extended sick leave, clinical training, etc.) may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 Chair assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process.







成功的候选人将加入计算机科学学院,这是卡尔顿大学理学院的一个重要部门。该学院拥有47名全职教师,他们在算法、人工智能、数据科学、计算机与互联网安全、图形学、人机交互和分布式计算方面具有专长。它已经获得了著名奖项的认可,例如NSERC Arthur B. McDonald可用安全和隐私研究奖学金,目前主持加拿大机器学习、身份验证和计算机安全研究主席。新的主席职位建立在该学院与其他机构和行业伙伴关系合作的强大国内和国际声誉之上。像数据日和渥太华卡尔顿计算机科学研究所这样的关键举措展示了学校对社区的奉献精神。成功的候选人必须拥有计算机科学或相关领域的博士学位(卡尔顿要求),并被认为有潜力成为该领域的世界领导者。他们应该表现出:在本科和研究生阶段教学卓越的才能;吸引和指导计算机科学领域的研究生和博士后;为领导国际公认的人工智能和/或网络安全研究项目奠定了基础;以及吸引外部研究资金的能力。将优先考虑外部候选人,但内部申请人也将得到公平考虑。




Research Areas of Interest

Artificial Intelligence: The school seeks researchers exploring AI and machine learning's transformative applications across various sectors, including health, communications, business, and finance. Specific areas of interest include reinforcement learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Cybersecurity: The rapid technological advancements have increased vulnerabilities in computing and communication networks. The school is particularly interested in candidates researching cryptographic software engineering, software security and programming languages, software security and testing, privacy, surveillance, censorship, and computer forensics, and cybersecurity incident analysis. Post-quantum cryptography is also an area of interest.

The School of Computer Science also welcomes applicants whose research spans the intersection of these disciplines.

About the Academic Unit

The successful candidate will join the School of Computer Science ,a prominent unit within Carleton University's Faculty of Science. The school boasts 47 full-time faculty members with expertise in algorithms, AI, data science, computer and internet security, graphics, human-computer interaction, and distributed computing. It has received recognition for prestigious awards, such as the NSERC Arthur B. McDonald Fellowship in Usable Security and Privacy research, and currently hosts Canada Research Chairholders in Machine Learning and Authentication and Computer Security. The new chair builds upon the school's strong national and international reputation for collaboration with other institutions and industry partnerships. Key initiatives like Data Day and the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science demonstrate the school's dedication to its community.


The successful candidate must possess a Ph.D. in computer science or a closely related field (Carleton requirement) and be acknowledged as having the potential to become a world leader in their domain. They should demonstrate a talent for: teaching excellence at the undergraduate and graduate levels; attracting and supervising graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in computer science; have established the foundations for leading an internationally recognized research program in AI and/or cybersecurity; and the ability to attract external research funding.

Preference will be given to external candidates, although internal applicants will also receive fair consideration.





Candidates should submit a single PDF file to containing a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three publications, and a statement outlining the proposed research program, research objectives, potential contributions to knowledge and methods, training and mentoring plans, and teaching interests and experience (maximum five pages). In addition, please submit an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) statement that identifies any past activities, training, and experiences in advancing EDI in your previous institutional environment (e.g., curriculum development, classroom or research practices, supporting diverse students) and future plans. (maximum two pages).

Applicants must arrange for three referees to send supporting letters electronically.

