

挪威公立大学阿哥德大学(挪威文为Universitetet i Agder),原名阿哥德学院(Agder University College),是挪威最大的高等教育机构之一。阿哥德学院于1994年由位于Kristiansand, Grimstad and Arendal市的6所学院合并而成。


阿格德大学工程与科学学院招收机电一体化博士研究员,为期三年,任期100%,隶属于工程科学系。该职位位于Campus Grimstad。开始日期可与学院协商。该候选人将参与正在进行的HORIZON EUROPE研究项目RHINOCEROS(电池再利用和直接生产高性能阴极和阳极材料以及使用低成本和环保技术回收电池的其他原材料)。RHINOCEROS将在TRL 6上展示智能分拣和拆卸机器人系统,实现电池再利用生产线的自动化。当无法直接重新利用和再利用电池时,RHINOCEROS将研究几种开创性的循环回收路线,旨在回收锂电池中存在的所有材料(例如,金属、石墨、氟化化合物、电解质、聚合物和活性材料)。

A fixed-term 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Mechatronics, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences, for a period of three years. The position is located at Campus Grimstad. The starting date is negotiable with the Faculty. The candidate will be associated to the ongoing HORIZON EUROPE research project RHINOCEROS (Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies). RHINOCEROS will demonstrate a smart sorting and dismantling robotic system at TRL 6, enabling the automation of a battery repurposing production line. When direct repurposing and reuse of batteries is not possible, RHINOCEROS will investigate several ground-breaking circular recycling routes aiming at the recovery of all the materials present in LIBs (e.g., metals, graphite, fluorinated compounds, electrolytes, polymers, and active materials).





 机器人 – 机器人操作系统(ROS)


 机器学习 – 有监督和无监督学习、强化学习


托福 - 英语作为外语考试,纸笔考试(PBT)最低分数为600分,互联网考试(iBT)最低分数为92分。

雅思 - 国际英语语言测试系统,成绩为6.5。



◆ 驱动和控制

◆ 智能监控 – 状态监测、故障诊断

◆ 计算机视觉 – 3D 摄像头、点云

◆ 传感器技术

◆ 电池表征,例如电阻抗谱、电池循环测试


Required qualifications:

●Master’s degree in Mechatronics, Robotics, Renewable Energies, or a relevant subject area. This year’s candidates/candidates who are in the closing stages of their master’s degree can also apply. 

●Knowledge in:

◆Robotics – Robot Operating System (ROS)

Modelling of Lithium-ion batteries

Machine learning – supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning

Written and spoken English proficiency. International candidates that are not exempt from the English language requirements pursuant to the guidelines of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) must document this through one of the following tests with the stated results or better:

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language with a minimum score of 600 for the Paper based Test (PBT), or 92 for the Internet-based Test (iBT)

IELTS - International English Language Testing System, with the result of 6.5

A prerequisite for employment is that the candidate is to be admitted to UiA’s PhD programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Specialisation in Engineering Sciences within three months of appointment.

Desired qualifications:

Actuation and control

Smart Monitoring – Condition monitoring, fault diagnosis

Computer Vision – 3D camera, point cloud

Sensor technology

Battery characterisation e.g., electrical impedance spectroscopy, battery cycling tests

Emphasis will be placed upon the project description and the relevance it has with regard to the subject in question and the research environment at the Faculty.



◆ 在大型、令人兴奋且具有社会影响力的组织中实现专业发展

◆ 积极、包容和多元化的工作环境

◆ 现代化的设施和全面的福利优惠

◆ 挪威公务员制度养恤基金成员

该职位根据国家薪级表支付报酬,工资计划17.515,代码1017博士研究员,每年总工资532 200挪威克朗。根据现行法律规定,挪威公务员养恤基金的强制性养恤金缴款从工资中扣除。

We offer

Professional development in a large, exciting, and socially influential organisation

A positive, inclusive and diverse working environment

Modern facilities and a comprehensive set of welfare offers

Membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund

The position is remunerated according to the State Salary Scale, salary plan 17.515, code 1017 PhD Research Fellow, NOK 532 200 gross salary per year. A compulsory pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is deducted from the pay according to current statutory provisions.




◆ 带等级的证书

◆ 硕士论文

◆ 引用

◆ 学术工作和研发项目,以及这些项目的清单

◆ 自动无损表征(可以提出几种方法)和电动汽车废旧锂离子电池受控放电的研究提案(最多2页),包括参考列表。大纲应提出并讨论可能的研究问题、理论观点、材料和进度计划。

◆ 任何其他相关文件



The application and any necessary information about education and experience (including diplomas and certificates) are to be sent electronically. 


The following documentation must be uploaded electronically:

Certificates with grades

Master’s thesis


Academic work and R&D projects, as well as a list of these

Research proposal for automated non-destructive characterisation (several methods can be proposed) and controlled discharging of spent Lithium-Ion batteries from electric vehicles (max. 2 pages) including reference list. The outline should present and discuss possible research questions, theory perspectives, material, and a progress plan.

Any other relevant documentation

The applicant is fully responsible for submitting complete digital documentation before the closing date. All documentation must be available in a Scandinavian language or English.

Application deadline: 10.11.23.
