

西挪威应用科技大学 (英文: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)成立于2017年1月1日,是由原卑尔根大学学院,海于格松/斯图德大学学院,松恩-菲尤拉讷大学学院等3所高校合并而建,为全日制公立高校,具有本科、硕士研究生、博士研究生招生资格。学校在健康和社会科学,工程和自然科学,经济学,社会科学和海事研究以及教师教育,文化和体育方面拥有强大和创新的学术环境。


At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) there is a vacancy for up to a 100 % permanent position as associate professor/senior lecturer in the field of surgical nursing at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences – campus Førde.

The position is affiliated with the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Department of Health and Care Sciences, Section Master of Clinical Nursing.

The position is mainly linked to the master's degree in specialist nursing, surgical nursing at campus Førde, but one must also arrange teaching and supervisory assignments at other study programmes in the department.

Working town is campus Førde.






The position entails a number of pedagogical work methods, including supervision of master's theses, ICT-based lectures, student-active learning methods including practice guidance, preparation of examination papers, grading, annual development of course descriptions in the master's programme in clinical nursing and surgical nursing. The position involves research relevant to surgical nursery.

The successful candidate must contribute to other educational, scientific and professional administrative tasks, such as study coordination, course responsibility, participation in research groups, and cooperation between the research field and the clinical field in order to maintain and constantly improve the pedagogical and scientific level of the programme.

The position involves cooperation internally at the university college as well as with other educational institutions nationally and internationally. The position is mainly linked to the surgical nursing programme, but the successful candidate must consult with other teaching and supervisory tasks in the department.





The criterion for appointments to teaching and research positions is set out in the Regulations relating to appointment and promotion to teaching and research positions laid down by the Ministry of Education and Research.

◆ Authorisation as a nurse with special training in surgical care;

◆ For appointment as associate professor, the requirement is a completed PhD degree, and for associate professor documentation of associate professor competence of relevance to the scientific field;

◆ Educational qualifications are a requirement for the position;

◆ Interest in and/or experience with educational development; work, varied teaching methods and internationalization work from teaching and guidance in higher education;

◆ Relevant clinical experience and practice-oriented competence;

◆ Good oral and written presentation skills in Norwegian or Scandinavian language in addition to English;

◆ Good ICT competence.

In addition to documented scientific competence, emphasis is placed on commitment, initiative and interest in ensuring that the scientific career plan in surgical nursing contributed to the development of the scientific level at the academic section, department and faculty.

Desired qualifications:

◆ Experience with teaching and supervision in graduate education;

◆ It is an advantage that the applicant has experience with student-active learning methods and digital teaching methods;

Personal practitioners:

◆ Independent and responsible;

◆ Positive attitude and good ability to cooperate with both students and colleagues;

◆ Good ability to communicate;

◆ Commitment to and interest in professional development;

If fully qualified applicants do not register, it may be appropriate to be appointed to the position of senior lecturer for up to two and a half years. For appointment as a university college lecturer, the applicant must have a master's degree.

Educational competence:

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for appointment must complete them within two years. HVL offers courses in university college pedagogy. For the position of associate professor, educational competence must be documented with a pedagogical portfolio and a pedagogical CV in accordance with the criteria for educational subjects' basic competence in connection with appointment and promotion to associate professor and professor positions at HVL.


◆ 获得护士资格,接受过外科护理方面的特殊培训;

◆ 对于任命为副教授,要求是完成博士学位,对于副教授,要求与科学领域相关的副教授能力的文件;

◆ 学历是该职位的要求;

◆ 对高等教育教学和指导的教育发展工作,各种教学方法和国际化工作感兴趣和/或经验;

◆ 相关的临床经验和以实践为导向的能力;

◆ 除英语外,良好的挪威语或斯堪的纳维亚语口语和书面表达能力;

◆ 良好的信息通信技术能力;



◆ 具有研究生教育教学和监督经验;

◆ 申请人具有学生主动学习方法和数字教学方法的经验是一个优势;


◆ 独立负责;

◆ 积极的态度和良好的与学生和同事合作的能力;

◆ 良好的沟通能力;

◆ 对专业发展的承诺和兴趣;





If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your application and resume to info@zhengzicn.com by September 24, 2023.

如果您有兴趣申请此职位,请在 2023 年 9 月 24 日前将申请和简历发送到邮箱 info@zhengzicn.com。
