





At the Faculty of Environmental Science and Nature Management there is a vacancy for a PhD candidate in modelling renewable energy systems in Northern Europe. This is a fixed-term position with a duration of 3 years.

The expected increase in the use of electricity for heating and an increased share of variable power in the energy system will mean that supply and demand, and thus the prices of power in Northern Europe, will become more sensitive to variations in weather and changes in climate. This increases the need for flexibility in the power system both between hours and years. In this PhD project you will help find solutions that meet these challenges, you will use the energy system model Balmorel to find out how sudden variations in weather affect the energy system.

The candidate will learn about how future challenges can be solved and be at the research front in modeling the renewable energy system of the future. The candidate will gain insight into theories and methods for analyzing solutions for the energy transition to a renewable energy system. The PhD position is linked to the research project Resilient in which many key energy companies in Norway are involved (Resilient | NMBU).



候选人将学习如何解决未来的挑战,并处于未来可再生能源系统建模的研究前沿。候选人将深入了解分析向可再生能源系统能源转型解决方案的理论和方法。博士职位与挪威许多主要能源公司参与的研究项目Resilient有关(Resilient |NMBU)。


◆Analyze technologies and market solutions for a robust and climate-friendly energy system

◆Model the Northern European energy system to analyze different sources of variation and uncertainty with the Balmorel model

◆Writing scientific articles

◆Collaborate with researchers and actors in the energy sector

It is assumed that the successful candidate joins an approved scheme for a PhD degree and that the work is organised with a view to completing a doctoral degree during the appointment period.







In order to be appointed, the candidate must meet the requirements for admission to one of the PhD programmes at NMBU. A relevant five-year master's degree, or cand.med.vet. degree, is required, with a learning outcome equivalent to the descriptions in the second cycle of the national qualifications framework. The applicant must have a documented strong academic background from previous studies, and be able to document good English skills, both written and oral. 

Academic eligibility requirements 

It is requierd:

◆A master's degree in a relevant field, such as renewable energy, statistics, physics, economics, natural or engineering with content related to renewable energy

◆Documented knowledge in quantitative analyses

◆Knowledge of the energy sector through studies or work experience 

The following experiencesand knowledge are emphasized

◆Programming in languages such as GAMS, python or equivalent

◆Experience from energy market modelling or other partial equilibrium models

◆Good language skills in a Scandinavian language 

You must:

◆Be motivated and interested in working with the research questions in the project

◆Be structured and able to work independently

◆Be able to collaborate and have good dialogue with different project partners

◆Have the analytical capacity to pursue a PhD

















If you are interested in applying for this position, please send the following information to info@zhengzicn.com by September 15, 2023.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

◆Cover letter

◆Complete CV

◆Relevant diplomas/certificates (i.e. diploma, transcript of grades. Diploma supplement for both bachelor and master)

◆Documented knowledge of English, written and spoken

◆Any documentation of professional knowledge (for example, list of scientific works)

◆Documented knowledge of English, written and spoken is required as described in NMBU's regulations for the degree of PhD, § 5-2 (3)









